When we bought this house last year, Ella's room was the only room I didn't find completely offensive. Oatmeal walls and clouds on the ceiling were much more tolerable than stenciled bears and cabins like the ones lining the den. Ella, however, did not agree. She thought the clouds made it a "boy room." She would complain that she didn't like sleeping "under skies." And since the squeaky wheel (aka Ell) gets the grease, I painted. Eventually I want to replace the carpet and all the woodwork. But until then, I had to be creative with paint alone.
I kept coming back to a specific blue color but since she is my only girl, I told myself I couldn't paint her room blue. Unfortunately, there wasn't another color that I really loved. My solution was to pull out four colors, the blue I loved, a green, a pink and a yellow, and let Ell choose. She choose the blue (like mother, like daughter). So that is what we went with.
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