Dear blog,
You have been very neglected the past couple of months. I have to admit that I have had the best of intentions. However, I have an excuse for involves a blow to the head, a couple months of confusion and mindless ramblings, another blow to the head to bring me back. Or it could be because I was lazy and have spent countless hours watching Craig Fergusen, eating Christmas/Birthday/Valentine treats, and generally doing nothing of value. I'm not sure which excuse looks less pathetic but here I am.
So, what have we been doing in our absence?
Zachary qualified for the 6th grade geography bee (one of only 3 fifth graders to do so). He survived a couple of rounds before he was asked a trick question. I say it was a trick question because it had something to do with Michigan (I don't know what - I would never qualify for a geography bee). He gave the answer (something to do with a body of water) and he was wrong. Here is the trick - the mom sitting next to us said that she lived in Michigan for 30 years and she thought he was right. But nevertheless, I do believe Zachary is awesome.
We have spent lots of time at the cabin. The cabin is my FAVORITE place in the world. We went for New Years with Mimi and Grandpa, Aunt Lyndsee, and Brian and Erin and other weekends on our own. The snow is awesome. I am getting better at driving the snowmobiles through Cory's patient instruction..."You'll never get better by only driving on the path". And we have discovered an amazing sledding hill from the eagle trail behind the cabin.
Cory and the boys have allowed me to tag along snowboarding a couple of times. In the time it takes me to do one run, the boys can do 2 1/2. It is humbling.
I had a birthday. I wish I turned 35. I really turned 38. *sigh*
For my birthday, Cory took me to Seattle. We went to Pike's Place Market and got hot chocolates and pastries in the mornings, ate seafood the rest of the time (loved Ivans), and walked the city. I loved it. He always makes my birthdays amazing. On a side note, I told him that I am a little bugged that every year he gets better and better looking and I get funnier looking, older and shorter. So not fair.
Ella had a birthday. She turned 7. She thinks she turned 13. *sigh*

I'll do better blog. I have big plans in store involving more cabin stays, more snowboarding until the end of the season and the rest staying home. There are projects to do on the world's saddest looking basement.
Looks like lots of fun A. We miss being there with you guys, but I take pride that you blog header pictures are from the east coast.