It was an awesome Easter week-end. The Easter bunny visited us and brought a Lacrosse goal and Lacrosse balls for Zach, a Lacrosse stick and a blue-jay webkin for Grant and a bouncy ball to ride on and sidewalk chalk for Ella. The baskets were hard to find this year. Cory found his new shirt and basket of candy in the dryer. My new shoes from the Easter bunny are awesome and I can't wait for it to warm up so I can wear them.

We had a neighborhood Easter Egg hunt on Saturday. There were 6,000 eggs hidden around the park and pavillion. The boys searched the trees, which was much harder, and came out with some hard earned eggs. Ella stuck to the grass and fared a little better. They had fun playing with their friends and cousins.
After the Egg Hunt, we went to Mimi and Grandpa's house to dye eggs. There were nine dozen eggs and plenty of dye cups for each child to color to their hearts content. All of Grant's eggs were green and Ella stuck to oranges and pinks. Zach only dyed a few eggs because he was too busy entertaining the babies.
It was a fun, but cold, week-end and we are looking forward to Spring.
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